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Tall Tiny House With Spacious Loft, Built With SIPs

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Looking for a way to add an alternative dwelling unity (ADU) to your property? The Golley House is a great choice! This 10×16 home comes flat-packed with SIP panels and you can finish the exterior and interior however you’d like. Use the space as an office, a guest space, or a granny pod!

Depending on the zoning rules in your area, you could even use it as an Airbnb or rental. The one pictured below was set up in Atlanta, Georgia.

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This Tiny House Is Made of 30 SIPs! Modular Option.

Golley House Flat-Pack Modular Home with 8 Ft. Loft Headroom! 4

Images via Golley House

The exterior (and interior) can be finished to your tastes.

Golley House Flat-Pack Modular Home with 8 Ft. Loft Headroom! 9

Images via Golley House

This example home features a bathroom and kitchenette

Golley House Flat-Pack Modular Home with 8 Ft. Loft Headroom! 5

Images via Golley House

Basic meal prep center.

Golley House Flat-Pack Modular Home with 8 Ft. Loft Headroom! 6

Images via Golley House

Work/eat space, and a comfy chair or love seat could replace the other chairs in the living room.

Golley House Flat-Pack Modular Home with 8 Ft. Loft Headroom! 10

Images via Golley House

Sink near the back window.

Golley House Flat-Pack Modular Home with 8 Ft. Loft Headroom!

Images via Golley House

The ceilings have an open industrial feel.

Golley House Flat-Pack Modular Home with 8 Ft. Loft Headroom! 6

Images via Golley House

The bedroom has plenty of head room!

Golley House Flat-Pack Modular Home with 8 Ft. Loft Headroom! 88

Images via Golley House

A nice railing provides safety.

Golley House Flat-Pack Modular Home with 8 Ft. Loft Headroom! 3

Images via Golley House

I could definitely wake up here!

Golley House Flat-Pack Modular Home with 8 Ft. Loft Headroom! 2

Images via Golley House

What do you think?

Golley House Flat-Pack Modular Home with 8 Ft. Loft Headroom!

Images via Golley House


Golley Houses provides tiny houses with design options for 8 feet of stand-up headroom in the loft.
The flat-pack kit is made of environmentally friendly Structural Insulated Panels that can be assembled by three to four people in as little as one to two days. The basic kit uses only 30 panels to assemble your GOLLEY HOUSE, but additional panels can easily be added for extra space. The modular panels provide a strong, energy efficient structure that can be customized to match your needs.

ll the materials needed to build your GOLLEY HOUSE are included in the basic kit. Each kit includes:
– The pre-cut structural panels for the walls, roof and floor
– All the splines, precut lumber, fasteners, caulk and foam sealant

The Basic GOLLEY HOUSE is 10 feet wide and 16 feet deep.

The side walls are 12 feet tall to allow for the addition of a loft space that has real stand-up headroom. The finished height of the GOLLEY HOUSE is in excess of 16 ft.

Using Structural Insulating Panels creates a very “tight” insulated structure for energy efficiency and strength.

The 30 SIPs used for the basic GOLLEY HOUSE include insulated walls, ceiling and floor.

Learn more

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Natalie C. McKee

Natalie C. McKee is a contributor for Tiny House Talk and the Tiny House Newsletter. She's a wife, and mama of three little kids. She and her family are homesteaders with sheep, goats, chickens, ducks and quail on their happy little acre.

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{ 34 comments… add one }
  • jerry dycus
    March 22, 2021, 11:45 am

    Note how much room 10′ wide gives allowing a bath on one side and a eating table on the other with good room in between.
    And instead of a 2nd floor I’d have used the same material to make it longer. Though living in a 10×16′ 1 story myself is all I need and still have 6′ of wall space for something else

  • Robert Aulicky
    March 22, 2021, 1:42 pm

    Not a bad build on the cheap. My question is how did you pass the building code with ladder and balcony violations? Then exposed wiring not in EMT?

    • James D.
      March 23, 2021, 1:23 am

      One thing to understand about code and zoning requirements is that they are not all universally the same across the country and can vary significantly county to county. This is especially true now that a growing number of places have started to address Tiny Houses in their code, which started with the adoption of the 2018 IRC update that introduced Appendix Q that specifically covers tiny houses on foundations and provides exceptions for features like lofts and how they are accessed.

      While some places may simply have fewer code requirements that don’t cover the loft and leave it up to the local authority to decide what’s okay and there’s the rare few places that even give the option to opt out of following code requirements, with the understanding the home owner takes full liability.

      So what’s a violation in one location may not be in another and vice versa, or just isn’t always a issue… What’s allowed may also vary on the type, like some places may restrict or not allow the use of spiral staircases, for example.

      It can pose a issue for code violation in most places to deviate from standard residential stairs but for storage and other non-living space usage, even ladders are usually fine in most jurisdictions code requirements. If you look at attics, for example, you’ll see many examples that wouldn’t pass regular residential stair requirements but most attics are usually not part of the living space.

      It’s just for living spaces that it can become a issue but that depends whether there are any allowances/exceptions, like mentioned that code for Tiny Houses may include or the local code may not cover it and allows more flexibility or the code may allow exceptions in specific use cases, like secondary access or no other options would work scenarios where it’s better than no access…

      As for the wires, they’re not exposed… EMT pipe conduit isn’t the only option and they just used flex conduit in this case. So the only exposed wire run is the Ethernet cable running to the WiFi router on the wall but that poses no hazard and doesn’t need to be run through conduit.

      Btw, a balcony is an exterior platform projection. On the interior, a partial floor level that falls short of being a second floor level, is called a loft or mezzanine…

      • Robert Aulicky
        April 18, 2021, 3:12 pm

        Well Okay then, you don’t understand the code for Atlanta. The porch and stairs is in violation. the stair handrail needs from the tip riser to the bottom, deck is over 30″ tall 36″ out 2018R-312.1.1. The guard in the l0ft passes a 4″ sphere 2018R-312.1.3, and the ladder does not have a handrail on both sides 2018R-311.7.12.2. Just saying.

        • James D.
          April 18, 2021, 3:49 pm

          Sorry but no, owner has already stated the ADU rules in that location allows for the use of “ships ladders” for access to the loft space and again a deck is an exterior structure, not interior…

          You’re looking at the wrong codes!

        • Robert Aulicky
          April 18, 2021, 7:50 pm

          International Residential Code 2018 Get the book.

      • Marsha Cowan
        April 18, 2021, 7:57 pm

        You are a wellspring of knowledge. Thanks for the information : )

        • James D.
          April 18, 2021, 10:16 pm

          You’re welcome, but I’m mostly just passing it on, as there’s a lot to thank advocates like Andrew Morrisons’ contributions, from education to co-authoring the model building code for tiny houses, the 2018 IRC Appendix Q. Among other advocates who have shared their struggles for getting local laws changed that revealed how the system actually works to those not already part of the inner workings of the system.

          Namely, how politics plays a role in it, much like our system of laws, and in some cases allows for corruption. Like a 2019 New York Times story revealed a secret agreement with the National Association of Home Builders that allowed the industry group, which represents the construction industry, to limit improvements in the code that would make buildings more environmentally sustainable and resistant to natural disasters, prompting a congressional investigation.

          One of the reasons I strongly advocate for sharing of information and increasing people’s awareness of what’s really going on…

          So it’s always a good idea to get in touch with a local advocacy group to find information relevant to the area and get access to people who deal with this all the time. Along with learning from people like you who have first hand information to share and allows people like me to help share that information.

    • James D.
      April 18, 2021, 9:17 pm

      @Robert Aulicky – Sorry but I have read it, but what you may not understand is the 2018 IRC is the one that introduced Appendix Q, aka the Tiny House building code, for code that specifically addresses tiny houses 400 Sq Ft and less on a foundation, making exceptions for features like lofts and how they can be accessed, which again are not to be confused with other structures like decks or balconies, nor the standard norms of what code applies to larger structures that were not designed to address different needs under different conditions they were never attended to address.

      Part of understanding code is understanding what part applies to the specific situation and type of structure. Especially, when there are separate sections that are specifically for certain types of structures and situations they get used that don’t apply to others.

      While again, application of the code can vary county to county, which can have different local requirements and enforcement as you go from one to the next and structures like ADU’s can have their own specific subset of code requirements that can allow different things than what is allowed in the primary structure. In addition to every county having their own versions of the code requirements.

      For example, unless applied to the whole state as a required change, a county that still has an earlier IRC version, like 2015 IRC, may opt to adopt only portions of the 2018 IRC and still have code from older versions of the code as well, some going back over 100 years.

      Just for a reality check of what can be in the local codes and not just assume they are exactly how the IRC publishes their code because that’s treated as a suggestion and doesn’t become the law of the land until it’s adopted or rejected by the local municipalities or state that may decide not everything applies to them and can also choose to make their own changes to the codes if they do choose to adopt them… So always refer to the local authorities for what actually applies in the area…

      Bottom line, what you don’t seem to understand is this has already been approved. The owner has already clarified what they did was allowed in their specific location under what’s allowed for an ADU in that area.

      So you have your answer, whether or not you choose to accept it is up to you…

      • Bigfoot
        May 2, 2021, 5:13 pm

        Hi James, perhaps Robert was talking about the entry deck. Hard to tell the height from the ground but it sure looks like it should have a railing and handrails on both sides of the entry steps. I’ve built a good number of decks and entry steps and this setup is not safe. I do get what you are saying about the interior items you discussed and the code revisions.

        • James D.
          May 2, 2021, 7:56 pm

          Hmm, I was focused on the interior because that was what was originally being discussed and he mentioned the loft and ladder again in the second reply that was basically lumping everything together… Apparently ignoring that Georgia not only adopted the 2018 IRC but Appendix Q and before that Decatur, GA, where this is located, adopted the Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) in 2014 for ADU’s that’s makes a list of amendments that’s different from the rest of the state that applies specifically to ADU’s.

          But yeah, agreed, the entry deck is troubling but Frank G (Frank Golley is the designer of the house kit and Creator of Golley Homes) has already indicated the ADU rules for the local jurisdiction was followed for the loft and ladder to access it.

          So, presumably, they got permission for everything done as part of the permitting, approval, and inspections process, but as we can only speculate about the exterior we will just have to wait and see whether he clarifies any details about the entry deck…

          It would be my guess that the entry deck is temporary and not final, they are mainly just showing off the house kit as a demonstration of the kit, which doesn’t include the deck, in its most basic form for what would be an affordability build and didn’t go beyond it, like note pretty much nothing was done to the yard, no walkway, still has a pile of lumber in the corner, pieces under the house, no landing platform for the stairs, etc, but we’ll see… The way their site describes it, the kit is just the starting point and you can do more from there or even add to it to make it bigger later.

  • March 23, 2021, 10:21 am

    James D. your comments are correct. The ADU rules in this jurisdiction allow for the use of “ships ladders” for access to the loft space. The loft is a end user addition so access would be determined by the local codes and usage.

    • Robert Aulicky
      May 3, 2021, 2:33 pm

      You are correct Frank. However the code for ships ladders is not exempt of handrails on both sides and the loft guard with openings of 4″ or greater. See IRC 2018, R311.7.12 the exception, R311.7.12.1, R311.7.12.2, AQ104.2.1.5 AQ104.2.1.6, AQ104.2.2, AQ104.2.4, THough not further described loft guards, AQ104.2.5 the giard is too low and I would adhear to the 4″ sphere rule enve though it is not mentioned; the gray area.

      • James D.
        May 4, 2021, 4:09 am

        Robert Aulicky, more than just gray area, there’s more to the codes than those you referenced, for example the codes as adopted by Georgia where amended and includes the following…

        “AU101.3 Scope. AU101.3.1 The provisions of this appendix are not mandatory unless specifically referenced in an adopting ordinance of [NAME OF JURISDICTION]. If adopted, the provisions shall apply to all new development and to substantial improvements to existing development.”

        “AU102.2 Other laws. The provisions of this appendix shall not be deemed to nullify any provisions of local, state or federal law.”

        “AU101.4 Violations. Any violation of a provision of this appendix or failure to comply with a permit of variance issued pursuant to this appendix or any requirement of this appendix shall be handled in accordance with the ordinances of [NAME OF JURISDICTION]”

        “*Delete Exception to Section R311.7.11 ‘Alternating tread devices’ without substitution.(Effective January 1, 2020)”

        “AS101.1 Scope. This appendix shall be applicable to tiny houses used as single dwelling units. Tiny houses shall comply with this code except as otherwise stated in this appendix.”

        Since Georgia law gives the enumerated codes statewide applicability, it is not required that local governments have to adopt the mandatory codes, but local governments must, however, adopt administrative procedures in order to enforce them (O.C.G.A. Section 8-2-25(a)). However, the local government can choose which of the mandatory codes it wishes to locally enforce.

        Basically, local jurisdictions can still get a say. They just don’t always choose to do so but you can’t always presume every jurisdiction will treat the codes exactly the same.

        While other laws, like zoning and other codes that didn’t get changed with the new updates can still apply. Such as those made before this update for ADU’s in Atlanta unless they are specifically stated to override or replace them…

        So add, as we were never given the date this was built, that you may also be referencing the wrong code version from when it was built… Georgia adopted Appendix S a few years before it adopted the 2018 IRC in 2020, for example, and made changes to ADU zoning before as well…

        While this specifically falls under the rules for an ADU, which doesn’t mean the same rules as for a tiny house apply and a lot can be up to the local planning committee… Especially, as the Tiny House Appendix is specifically for structures 400 Sq Ft or less but an ADU can be up to nearly double that in Atlanta, and even bigger in some other counties in Georgia, and much of the present ADU rules predates the 2020 update you have been referencing, going back to 2017…

        Something else to understand, ships ladder doesn’t always refer to the same thing. Like the deletion of the alternating treads portion by the amendments highlights, as that too is often called a ships ladder. But people also don’t all interpret a hybrid ladder/stair as a ships ladder all the time… Attic ladders is another type of hybrid ladder/stair, for example, which wouldn’t fall under the same rules as a ships ladder… While it can matter if the local interpretation views it as a ladder, which doesn’t require a handrail, or as a stair that may only require one.

        An actual ships ladder has the railing built in as part of it, btw… So those that don’t may be interpreted as other types ladder/stairs and again, there are other types of hybrid ladder/stairs. Mind, as a general rule, unless it’s specifically worded then it can’t usually be enforced and the codes don’t cover every possibility that exists, which leaves some leeway on interpretation that makes those gray areas larger than you may think…

        • Robert Aulicky
          May 4, 2021, 2:48 pm

          Hi James,

          I read your response; still, the open side of the ladder requires a handrail, and the loft balcony a guard as required in AQ104.2.1.6, referring back to the collections of R311’s and R312.1 and the opening restriction of 4” guard, 4⅜” stairway. Therefore for Atlanta under DCA, that is the answer. AS to Alternating Tread Devices, the removed exception allows for access to the kitchen and bathroom in a code loft.

          I do not feel comfortable copy and pasting text from the codebooks. If you wish to talk further, I am in the Atlanta metro area. You may call me at 7-294-9538 or continue here. I am a retired stairbuilder working with stair codes and teaching staircase construction.

          Thanks for the back and forth; it is a good discussion; I could not find the AS code section. Hopefully, other folks see the importance of finding the code that applies in their area.


      • James D.
        May 4, 2021, 3:34 pm

        Yes, it’s always important to check what your local codes and zoning requirements are as they can differ even from one county to the next. Since, each jurisdiction can choose what and how the codes are enforced or whether they will be lax in that regard.

        I understand your concerns and don’t disagree, just pointing out how the system isn’t always implemented the same way everywhere, even when the wording for the codes suggest otherwise.

        Not something a professional builder would ever really skirt as it’s best to avoid potential liabilities but kits are meant for DIY’ers and they can encompass far more gray area and mitigate the liability by being the owners of the property…

        • Eric
          August 29, 2021, 5:29 pm

          Ya know… what I like about New Zealand is we have ONE code for the whole country…

          Any deviation has to go through the appropriate channels to be approved. None of this each county can have this rule that is illegal in another county which…. oh, and btw kits have to abide by the building code as well…

          OMG, I got a headache from writing that, I need to go have a lie down… 😂

        • James D.
          August 29, 2021, 5:50 pm

          @Eric – Always trade offs, universal code means less ability to adapt to changing needs, reduce the ability to adapt and optimize to different climates and weather conditions, can make it harder to make changes to the code over time when they must apply everywhere, and the bureaucracy it’ll involve can promote higher costs, may cause infringement on the home owners rights, and make it harder to innovate… National systems will be less responsive to local differences…

  • April 18, 2021, 2:04 pm

    Call me negative, but this is one of the ugliest tiny homes I’ve ever seen.

    • Marsha Cowan
      April 18, 2021, 8:04 pm

      Lol! What we are seeing now is pretty basic and empty, except for the creepy picuture and critters on the wall. Imagine it with curtains, furniture, dishes, pots and pans, and flowers. Then add lots of cool personal stuff and collections, and a flat screen TV. It will look as cozy and pretty as most of the other tiny homes we see. It’s a diamond in the rough. That’s why most builders “stage” their homes for sale and add all the items I just mentioned because it’s the feel of a home that sells it, not its structure necessarily. That being said, I think I would take off the built in table and put a regular cute table with 2 matching chairs instead and maybe have a small wall hutch behind them.

      • April 19, 2021, 12:35 pm

        The ugliness has nothing to do with basic and emptiness. It’s the galvanized pipe for electrical, the open ceiling cavities, the walls, etc. This tiny home is so ugly, I wouldn’t take it if it were given away for free.

        • James D.
          April 19, 2021, 1:00 pm

          Well that’s the thing, as that’s all what would be in just about any house but just covered up by trim and other finishing. So that is related to it being basic and empty as it was only finished to the level of functional but some additional time and money put into it and all of that can easily be hidden with decorative details.

          Besides, it’s basically a house kit. So anyone who buys one can finish the interior and exterior however they want and it doesn’t have to be like this was done. It’s just a question of how much time and money you’re willing to put into it…

        • Eric
          August 29, 2021, 5:34 pm

          Ha ha, that’s the thing… but in NZ cabling has to be in rigid conduit, either plastic or galvanised pipe. Unless its hidden behind the wall, but even then builders use conduit because house owners use nails etc. for hanging pictures or other things.

  • Eric
    April 18, 2021, 7:41 pm

    Yeah, it might be. But, the owner obviously likes it, and at the end of the day that’s what matters. Personally I’m not a fan of the exterior but the interior is ok. Diff’rnt strokes fer different people. Its what makes the world go round.

    • Marsha Cowan
      April 18, 2021, 8:07 pm

      Really? I like the exterior. It breaks up the height and keeps the house from looking too tall and skinny. It also adds some texture to what would be a very basic exterior, but like you said, different strokes for different folks.

      • Eric
        April 19, 2021, 12:24 am

        I could have phrased that better. What I meant was its ok, but doesn’t trip all my triggers. There’s other houses on the site that trip them all.

  • Bigfoot
    May 2, 2021, 5:28 pm

    I really like this concept. A small home that arrives in pieces to be assembled and personalized to taste. Way back in time you could buy a kit house from Sears and Roebuck. Everything came numbered and lettered and some of those homes are still with us today. In Florida we used to have Jim Walter Homes. My best friend back in the 80’s bought one on stilts and the builder just furnished a dryed in shell. Sorry for reminiscing. With the tall blank exterior walls you could do some cool landscaping on this and it would scale much better. I would definitely rail and handrail the entry deck. I didn’t check the price of this but seems like a viable option to me.

    • James D.
      May 2, 2021, 10:09 pm

      They’re basically just selling the kit. So costs will vary depending on version, they got a few design options from office to cottage guest house/ADU, what’s required for local zoning and code requirements, and what optional extras and finishing the owner wants to do. So would usually have to contact them for a quote…

      But, I think I read somewhere the 30 panel kit is around $17K… and as they removed most of the sizing restrictions in Decatur,GA. You can go up to around 800 Sq Ft… and the kit homes can be added to with additional panels you can purchase from them separately later. So can start small and build up over time to help with more limited budgets…

  • Marsha Cowan
    May 28, 2021, 7:12 am

    Well, for lots of people somewhere, this tiny house, with all its debatable qualities, is a start to a home of their own, and for that reason, I love it!

    • Natalie C. McKee
      May 28, 2021, 2:47 pm


  • bw
    May 28, 2021, 11:13 am

    I am always guilty of not reading the intro and as I scrolled I thought this looks really wide so I thought they stretched it with the camera or computer when they publish it, so I went back and read the intro 10×16, what a difference two feet make! only draw back moving them, for permanent structure nice! The piers seem over sized. A 10″ frost pier ( bigfoot ) out of Canada I cantilevered so I could conceal the piers – enclose the crawl space for Montana winters I built my cottage, it is 14×18 12′ walls 5″-12″ pitch it’s easy to Heat ! I like the simplicity of this Tiny House minimal

  • Diana
    August 19, 2021, 12:29 pm

    I am wondering what do these houses prices start at?? I like the Tudor on the website but there insnt
    A price list/? Thanks

    • James D.
      August 19, 2021, 3:58 pm

      Level of finish, type of foundation, and location will be variables in cost. While costs can change over time, so good to contact the company for what’s the present cost but from last year it was reported that a basic Golley House kit was $17,000, plus an average of $8,000 in finishing costs. But again, that could have changed so contact them to see what the current price is…

      Kit consists of 30 or more SIPs and additional costs can involve things like hiring a contractor if you can’t DIY and local municipality may impose some other costs…

  • pat
    October 2, 2021, 6:39 pm

    Overall I like the tiny home just no stairs at our age. As to ugly just stop. Anyone can change fixtures or color etc. Thankfully, never been homeless sleeping in a blanket on the curb. Think anyone offered a tiny home would find it perfect in comparison. Thinking of an article where a landowner put up several tiny homes and housed needy persons in them. What a great way to show we care. Spur Texas allow/welcomes tiny homes so long as they are up to a simple standard code and on a foundation, wheels off.

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