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7 Steps to Help you Simplify your Wardrobe

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If you ever want to live tiny you’re going to have to simplify your wardrobe if you already haven’t.

And you’re going to have to do it in a big way (if you’re not yet a minimalist like most of us).

Have you seen the closets in tiny houses lately? They’re super tiny! (see below).

But don’t worry. You can do this! It’s actually pretty easy if you can follow the 7 steps outlined in this post.


Image: Tumbleweed Elm 18 Overlook Tiny House

So let’s jump right in to step 1 below:

Step 1: Get every piece of clothing that you own (EVERYTHING! Even undies) and put it into one big pile on your bed.

Step 2: Now you’re going to divide that big ole pile of clothes into three piles: 1) keep 2) store 3) donate

Step 3: Go through each piece of clothing in the pile and ask yourself, “Does it fit me right now?”

If it doesn’t, get rid of it! And please- avoid the “it might fit me if I lose 10 pounds, etc.” If it doesn’t fit right now, get it out of your closet and drawers. Space is limited! And you should wear clothes that fits you comfortably.

Step 4: Go through each piece of clothing you still have left in your keep pile and ask yourself, “Is it in good enough condition to keep wearing?”

If it isn’t, get rid of it! If it has sentimental value either take a photo of it or put it in your store pile and move on.

Step 5: Go through each piece that you still have left in your keep pile and ask yourself, “Do I love it?”

If you don’t love it, don’t wear it! Especially since you only have room for so much… So if you don’t absolutely love it, let someone else love it!

Step 6: Finally go through your keep pile one last time and ask yourself, “Does this represent me right now? Or is it the old me?”

Step 7: Process your piles. Store the store-ables (these might be seasonal pieces too), drop off the donations and reorganize your keep pile.

Earlier this year Laura Norcross wrote a wonderful post on how to declutter your wardrobe that you also might want to read through. She’s got some really helpful tips in there that she was able to share.

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Alex is a contributor and editor for TinyHouseTalk.com and the always free Tiny House Newsletter. He has a passion for exploring and sharing tiny homes (from yurts and RVs to tiny cabins and cottages) and inspiring simple living stories. We invite you to send in your story and tiny home photos too so we can re-share and inspire others towards a simple life too. Thank you!

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  • Ralph Sly
    December 8, 2013, 6:41 am

    Great suggestions Alex but they all are a no go in my world. I am a common clothes horse in that I have lots of the same thing but they are clean clean clean, one spot on a T shirt and it’s changed, I don’t wear as many white ones as I use to LOL. You may see me dressed the same for weeks on end but there have been many changes during that time. However, I have and “just recently” purchased a steamer. Fantastic thing that is! So now, I can if I chose, use those vacuum bags to compact things and steam the wrinkles out. I use plastic storage bins for drawers to store a million pairs of sox (at least a hundred +) undershorts (again more than a hundred) Can’t count T shirts and not so many long sleeved shirts but at least 30 and I wear them all.

    I hate doing laundry often, I go maybe once every 60 days to the laundry matt, use all the machines and get it all done in just over an hour (maybe two but not more) as I now have it down to a science, I do divide up the loads to pants, sox’s and shorts but they can all be washed one load in that they are darks and don’t blend or run colors. Then store everything in the bins, I have to go someplace, I don’t often pack a suitcase, just drop the bins on the floor, dolly them to the camper and they have their place in there and I am off. I always keep one suitcase packed at home so if someone says lets go, I am gone (that is if I have to travel on the plane or in a car, I hate those modes of tpt). Once home, the dirty laundry goes in the organized sorter and I repack it immediately and put it by the door with everything for about a week and a half, short jaunts doncha know.

    So, all the advice in the world can’t change the need for many clothes and as one gal on FB said when working you never know what you need in layers of clothing. I need at least two shirts to make it through a day in an office and always have one hanging in the vehicle. I had a fetish for starched pressed shirts but now with the steamer, it’s good enough. Did I say how great that thing is? Now I even fold and stack shirts from the dryer into a bin, stack them and steam them when required and that surprisingly doesn’t take a lot of time. Well there is my views on storage for clothing.

    • Alex Pino
      December 12, 2013, 5:32 am

      Thanks Ralph, I can definitely understand that. I don’t enjoy doing laundry much either and in my apartment building we all share two machines and gotta go to the bank to get quarters to use it so it is nice to have extras 😀

  • alice h
    December 8, 2013, 10:07 am

    You can store a lot more clothes and fabrics in a small space if you use those bags where you squeeze or vacuum the air out. Especially handy for out of season clothes. You don’t need a full walk in closet full of stuff but some of us may use specialised items for work, sport, art or whatever. Some of us fluctuate sizes enough to need a range of things that don’t fit right now.

    I also disagree with number 4. If it isn’t in good enough condition to wear, can it be fixed? I often mend items and will darn socks too. It’s a simple skill requiring little money for tools and materials and well worth it for some of those nicer socks. Also a good small, portable project and conversation starter when travelling.

    • Ralph Sly
      December 8, 2013, 1:05 pm

      LOL, at least you and I know about adjustable bodies Alice, And yes the vacuum bags are great but I find they do leak off now and again, maybe I just don’t seal them properly or use a good enough quality bag. I find bins work fantastic and mostly use them. With the steamer I can pack more into then now. We are going through a hell of a cold snap here at present and I didn’t prepare for it. I have jackets for every aspect of weather in storage a few hundred miles from me. So, it’s cheaper to repurchase and that is what I am doing now. Buying more stuff…

      • alice h
        December 8, 2013, 8:07 pm

        I use totes and bins a lot too but those bags slide into all sorts of otherwise unused space. I must be using cheap ones too because I also find they leak a bit after a while. When I moved to the Lower Mainland I kept a selection of basic winter clothes so I’m good down to maybe -30 C if I layer things properly. I did leave my Resolute parka behind in the Arctic though. Too G.D. bulky and much too hot for down here. You could get 4 or 5 people in the front seat of a pickup in summer but only 3 in winter because of the parkas. And the stupid square tires! And looking out into the ice fog, unable to tell who was who because we all had the same big parkas and boots. You could narrow it down a bit by tall or short and red or blue parka but that was about it, though I see they have more colours now. Hard to tell an iced over beard from an iced over scarf sometimes too. Nope, don’t miss those days.

    • Alex Pino
      December 12, 2013, 5:33 am

      Oh yeah! Those bags are awesome. I don’t use them anymore, but not long ago, that’s how I stored my seasonal clothes under the bed. Great idea (and reminder for me) Alice!

  • Glema
    June 13, 2014, 5:55 pm

    How about this, buy a small car size luggage holder for the top of the car sorta thing. I think that should fit on the tiny house storage loft 🙂 we can put season in there. God bless and Happy Trails!

  • mary o'donnell
    May 14, 2015, 2:11 pm

    Easier, clothes returning from laundry/cleaners put closest to door opening side. Put a ribbon, scarf, or tie on pole between new entries and existing clothes. After get rid of everything on the far side of ribbon/scarf/tie UNLESS it is only item for extreme weather or unique ocassion, then keep only one
    I wear 0nly a few of many items, like most people. I love a few things, only.

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