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LGV Tiny House by Full Moon Tiny Shelters

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This is the LGV tiny house on wheels. It’s built by Full Moon Tiny Shelters in Nova Scotia.

This tiny is built on a 28′ trailer and features about 238 sq. ft. of space inside.

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LGV Tiny House on Wheels Built by Full Moon Tiny Shelters

LGV Tiny House by Full Moon Tiny Shelters

Images © Full Moon Tiny Shelters

LGV Tiny House by Full Moon Tiny Shelters LGV Tiny House by Full Moon Tiny Shelters LGV Tiny House by Full Moon Tiny Shelters LGV Tiny House by Full Moon Tiny Shelters LGV Tiny House by Full Moon Tiny Shelters LGV Tiny House by Full Moon Tiny Shelters LGV Tiny House by Full Moon Tiny Shelters
LGV Tiny House by Full Moon Tiny Shelters

Images © Full Moon Tiny Shelters


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Alex is a contributor and editor for TinyHouseTalk.com and the always free Tiny House Newsletter. He has a passion for exploring and sharing tiny homes (from yurts and RVs to tiny cabins and cottages) and inspiring simple living stories. We invite you to send in your story and tiny home photos too so we can re-share and inspire others towards a simple life too. Thank you!
{ 18 comments… add one }
    September 9, 2016, 10:50 am

    Looks very big for 238″ ft. tiny house….!

    • Eric
      December 15, 2016, 4:16 am

      Two Hundred and Thirty Eight FEET? OMG, who’da thunk? LOL

        December 15, 2016, 6:37 am

        Of course I meant 238 Square. Foot…..!

  • Tracy Smith
    September 9, 2016, 10:56 am

    What is LGV?

    • sc
      September 13, 2016, 11:46 am

      Thats the actual name of the house, if that is what you are asking. what it stands for, it doesnt say on the web site.

      • Eric
        December 15, 2016, 4:19 am

        Maybe, just maybe, it stands for Large Gigantic Veehickle.

  • Debz
    September 9, 2016, 5:11 pm

    Are they kidding with those steps to the loft? What is this — a tiny house for giants?

    September 9, 2016, 5:31 pm

    I am sorry, did I miss something here? All I saw was the stairwell, a loft and the outside!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Jody
    September 11, 2016, 4:24 pm

    I like the first long stair. It could be used as extra seating. What is the box loooking thing up in the loft?

  • sc
    September 13, 2016, 11:27 am

    The exterior is one of the handsomest I have seen in a while. The inside is….okay. Weird though, there are lots of windows, the walls, ceiling, and floors are light, the trim is white, but it still is kinda dark inside.
    People, when you present your houses, PLEASE show ALL your areas! Especially the kitchen and bathroom. It’s a tiny house, you only have a few rooms to show. You can post a little video up on youtube for free.

    • Mom
      September 13, 2016, 12:31 pm

      My thoughts exactly! The kitchen/bath are MOST important areas for most people. Not showing all areas when the space is this compact is strange at best…

  • terry
    September 13, 2016, 8:41 pm

    I like looking at bathrooms and kitchens to see if I like the tiny house. Also, even though I like stairs, the ones that take up all that room don’t really work in a tiny house. The outside was really nice.

  • Sandi B
    September 24, 2016, 4:44 am

    I like how the finished the front end over the tongue and I do really like the exterior finishes and windows. I also wish they had shown the kitchen at least, but the bath would have been nice as well — perhaps they were not finished and she is going to finish them herself. I do not like where you have to step up on the “couch” to get to the stairs — I guess you have a somewhat soft place to land if you fall and can manage to stay towards the wall as you tumble down. The storage under the stair is great I like that the bath appears not to be in the kitchen but at the opposite side of the living space. At least that is how it appears. I also have to say, once again, I do wish they would leave the special lenses out of it and just take normal pictures and quit trying to make it appear bigger than it really is.

  • jm
    December 12, 2016, 12:37 am

    Those stairs/steps. With normal building codes thrown out the window you can get anything.

    • Natalie
      December 12, 2016, 11:40 am

      I think they are nice. Just add a railing 🙂 — Tiny House Talk Team

    • Adina Hirschmann
      October 4, 2017, 6:32 pm

      I could just imagine the expression on the face of my town’s municipal housing inspector once s/he looks at those! Narrow, shallow, uneven treads with steep risers, slippery surfaces and no handrail? Stooping with the clipboard when up in the loft? Oy, vey!!!

  • jm
    December 13, 2016, 3:52 am

    Maybe if you a sasquatch! But those first 2 steps, at least, are a real hazard. I think the code calls for a max of 9″ rise.

    • Natalie
      December 13, 2016, 7:17 am

      I think stepping on the couch area would make it more manageable? Maybe not! — Tiny House Talk Team

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