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Little Blue Bump Micro Cabin by Deek of Relaxshacks

As most of you know we’re all getting together July 6-9, 2012 for Tiny House Summer Camp hosted by Derek “DEEK” Diedricksen in Vermont.

If you decide you want to go, hurry and sign up right now because there are only around 4 spots left.

If you want to go, tell Deek that Alex from Tiny House Talk sent you he may be able to give you the early bird rate. Again, if you want to go, hurry because the last few spots may go real soon.

Oh, and I forgot to mention that I’ll be there, too, along with a handful of interesting guest speakers from all over the country. It’s going to be a great time!

I’ll let Deek give you a video sneak peek on what you’ll get to see and experience there in a moment.

All construction skill sets are welcome even if you’re a complete beginner. The best part is that you’ll get some hands on experience with construction by attending.

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Little Blue Bump Micro Cabin by Deek of Relaxshacks

Plus you’ll get to check out and tour a bunch of really awesome cabins that Deek and his neighbors have built over the years including his 300 square foot cabin and his UB 30 tree house.

I’ll quit typing now and let you enjoy the video sneak peek.. [continue reading…]

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Toyota Truck Bed Micro Camper

This micro camper fits on the truck of many small trucks. The owner of this one used her Toyota Tacoma to carry it.

She calls it the NapCamper. It’s like a modern version of a gypsy wagon, don’t you think?

It’s a great way to travel because you’re not hauling a huge amount of weight so gas isn’t too expensive.

By the way, Cathy, the owner, is putting it up for sale in case you’re interested. Let me pass it on to her so she can tell you a little bit about it. Afterwards, feel free to ask your questions about it in the comments. Here’s Cathy…

Here are some photos of the “NapCamper” as I call it. I know there will be questions about its exact size and other details. I can answer those later. I’m at work now. Some basics:

1. The camper fits a small truck, like a Toyota Tacoma, which is what I carried it on. My Toyota is a gutless truck, and it had no trouble with the camper.

2. The camper was built by a boat-builder about 20 years ago. I don’t know him, but he did a great job!

3. Headspace is about 6 feet and width is also about 6 feet.

4. Footpump sink with a 5 gallon water tank.

5. There are 3 drawers, some kitchen space, and a small closet for storage.

6. There’s additional storage under the seats and above the wheel wells.

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Toyota Truck Bed Micro Camper

Photos Courtesy of Cathy

[continue reading…]

5 Downsizing Lessons from a Tiny House Couple

By Laura M. LaVoie

With the tiny house movement on the rise, it seems like more and more people- including couples and young families– are attempting to live smaller and smaller. In order to go smaller, many of us are downsizing with great abandon.

For me and my partner to transition comfortably into our 120 square home we had a lot to get rid of; things that we had accumulated over 17 years together. Here are a few tips I have learned over the last several years as we have made this big change in our lifestyle.

    • Small Steps. Downsizing can be terrifying when you start looking at all of the things you have and the memories that go with them. Sometimes it isn’t even sentimental. You might look at an object and think you could do something with it someday. I learned quickly that if I hadn’t yet I probably wouldn’t. You don’t have to eliminate all of your earthly possessions in one fell swoop. Do it in stages. Pick a weekend and pick a room and start there.

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5 Downsizing Lessons from a Tiny House Couple

I encourage you to read the other four lessons on downsizing below: [continue reading…]

Tiny & Light Fiberglass Camper Doubles as Boat

This tiny & light fiberglass camper doubles as a boat.

It’s a mashup of a teardrop trailer, fiberglass camper, and a paddle boat.

Since it’s lightweight, it can be towed by just about any vehicle including 4 cylinder cars.

This would make for a perfect adventure toy that just about anyone can haul.

At just 32 square feet, it’s not tiny… It’s micro, but as I said earlier, it’s more of an adventure vehicle than anything.

It’s in new condition built on a 4 x 8 frame and weighs a total of 650 lbs.

Wouldn’t it be great to get to travel the country with something like this to take with you?

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Tiny & Light Fiberglass Camper Doubles as Boat

Photo Credit American Dream Trailer Company

I encourage you to look at the rest of the photos below:  [continue reading…]

Working and Writing in a Tiny House

By Laura M. LaVoie

Fellow tiny house blogger Andrew Odom declared this week Tiny House Appreciation week. (Conveniently it falls during one of my other favorite appreciation weeks: Asheville Beer Week – but that is a little off topic.) I admire how Andrew has taken the tiny house movement by the horns. He points out how tiny house advocates are rarely one dimensional.

“Well, if you are like me, you are not just interested in tiny houses but also in homesteading, in technology, and in food sourcing.”

This resonated with me quite a bit. The Tiny House Movement is what led me here but the complete change of lifestyle is what keeps me excited every day. Now that we have moved into our tiny home we are making a lot of changes that could only happen by living small. Here are just a few.

  • The way we eat. Since we live entirely off the grid we have decided to trade a traditional refrigerator for a small sterling engine cooler. Because of this we have to shop more often and eat fresh food faster. This has led us to supporting local agriculture through the farmers markets and participating in a CSA. Now we spend more time cooking and enjoying our meals
Working and Writing in a Tiny House
Photo Courtesy of Laura Lavoie

I encourage you to read the rest of this post below: [continue reading…]