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The next session of Tiny Transition and Downsizing, the 8-week e-course, begins on June 28th, 2015. You can register for the class and see all the details here!
Tiny Transition + Downsizing is the 8-week course that fundamentally changes your relationship with stuff and helps you de-clutter, downsize, and clear out your home and mind, in a step-by-step zero-overwhelm environment. You’ll be in a supportive, motivating group (more like a new family!) of other friends and kindred spirits on the same journey as you. Registration is now open for the session beginning on June 28th.
Preparing to transition into a tiny home, RV, trailer or cabin? Just want to clear your space and get some sanity in your current home? This is for you.
8 Week Downsizing Course with Mariah
I’ve been getting emails from students who have completed the class, and I keep hearing this one thing that’s really stood out to me:
“I’ve tried everything before – read books, articles, blogs, bought all the containers – I’ve been trying to downsize for YEARS. But nothing worked until I took this class. This was totally different. It finally clicked.”
I love that. It really gets to the heart of what this course is all about: it’s NOT a bunch of downsizing and organizing tips – it’s a paradigm shift in how you think about stuff, clutter, mental space and physical things. It changes the way you think about “stuff” so that you can get EXCITED about getting rid of what you don’t need and start living the way you want to.
When I started the Tiny Transition and Downsizing class, I hoped that it would be helpful and motivating, but I had no idea that teaching it would allow me to witness the absolutely amazing things the class has accomplished:
Tens of thousands of items purged.
Money saved and dollars kept in pockets, instead of spent on “stuff”.
Bad habits broken and replaced with good, healthy ones.
Unfulfilling jobs and relationships told to hit the road, to make room for the new joys of living simple.
We’ve had students leave corporate jobs, hit the road in an RV, and go part-time at work so that they could spend more time volunteering or working with animals.
People have cleared out and sold their homes during the 8 weeks and actually moved into their tiny home shortly after!
I’m literally floored by the courageous and incredible things people accomplish within the group. The combination of motivation, accountability, friendship and step by step instruction that the course provides is a powerful force.
I want to invite you to be a part of the next session of the Tiny Transition and Downsizing course.
When you sign up for Tiny Transition + Downsizing, you get:
- 8 weeks of downsizing lessons and challenges (it’s like Downsizing bootcamp!)
- LIFETIME access to the private class forum and the lessons/learning materials
- Accountability, support, motivation and camaraderie from me and your classmates
- The tools you need to simplify your home, mind, and LIFE starting right now.
I’ve been told that the group is a catalyst for lifelong change. That’s because we not only go through how to eliminate all sorts of crap from your life and space, but because we fundamentally change your relationship with “stuff”. It has the cascading effect of positively influencing every area of your life.
Here’s what some recent students had to say about their experience:
“This was the most helpful and inspiring course I have ever taken! I have learned so many things, gained new friends and have become more inspired to downsize my life. My life is forever changed (all for the better) after this course! Thank you for taking the time to create and make available to us this information to improve our quality of life!” — Shelby
“This class has single-handedly changed my thinking and life. The email course is rocking my world with the “how” to do this, the access to the associated group forum is invaluable. You could lurk and never post with this group and it’ll change your thinking and life.” – Andrea Mortensen
“In fact, I am more convinced than ever that taking this course to figure out how to ease into the whole downsizing process thoughtfully and gradually was one of the best moves I could have made, especially because of all the incredible support that this group provides in so many ways.” – Jack
“Mariah’s Tiny Transition E-Course was fantastic! She provides tons of useful tips on how to start your downsizing journey and her encouragement and support are truly amazing. One of my favorite things about this course was the incredibly supportive and engaged online community. This course helped me jumpstart my own downsizing journey and gave me the confidence I needed to pursue my dreams. This course will help you overcome obstacles, it will provide encouragement and it will help you succeed on your own downsizing journey!” – Lora
“I took the challenge and am so glad I did. Even if you never “live” in a tiny house I found that the course helped me to look inside myself and found out all kinds of things about ME! I am truly grateful for the experience. You will find yourself very proud of what you will accomplish!” – Diane
Downsizing is HARD. But you don’t have to do it all alone.
The process requires you to think critically and intentionally about what you want your life to look and feel like, instead of just going through the motions of work-sleep-spend money-repeat. 99% percent of the people you meet won’t accept the challenge.
Will you?
You can join us in the next session of the Tiny Transition and Downsizing E-Course by registering here. Class begins on June 28th! I hope to see you there!
This course is for anyone who feels utterly stuck in stuff.
For anyone who has no idea where to start with this journey – and wants a step-by-step roadmap and guide that eliminates overwhelm and leads to real, visible results.
For anyone how has been downsizing for some time now, making good progress, but has hit a WALL. (One of the best comments I get from students is that they have tried EVERYTHING before this course – read all the books, the blogs and the articles – but nothing really stuck and made REAL difference until doing this process laid out in the course.)
For anyone who wants less emotional clutter, a lighter life, more space and more TIME for things they really love (because honestly, no one wants to spend their weekend “cleaning the house” and “doing chores”.)
Downsizing is both a practical, actionable process – and an emotional one too. You need to do both in tandem – or you’ll get overwhelmed, stressed, and give up. Tiny Transition and Downsizing E-Course gives you all the tools, resources, and step by step lesson you need.
When and How to Sign Up
This e-course is 8 weeks long and the next session begins on June 28th, 2015. Sign up now to save your spot (space is limited)! If you want to join us, see all the details here:
=> Sign Up Here.
This post may contain affiliate links & sponsored content.
Latest posts by Mariah (see all)
- Tiny Transition and Downsizing E-Course begins on June 28th! - June 20, 2015
- My (Honest) Tiny House Journey: Stop Dreaming, Start Doing - May 3, 2015
- Tiny Transition + Downsizing E-Course begins on March 1st! - February 25, 2015
Brevity is a lost art.
This retired teacher wonders why all the (ahem) “student testimonies” sound alike.
Likely because they had similar experiences. I took this downsizing course a couple of months ago, and it was very good. The course materials are extensive, with lots of links and practical exercises and self-reflection (besides practical tips, the course also addressed the emotional side of “stuff”). There’s also a forum where you can post about your own progress and discuss issues with (and get support from) other students, and many of us had similar reactions – the course was more than we expected, it’s valuable even if we weren’t planning to move into a tiny house, and it gave us new ways to understand ourselves and our habits. I’d absolutely recommend the course.
Mary-Frances, my comment referred to identical writing style, grammar, word choices, and punctuation, which is strange and rare coming from five different individuals. I’ve graded a lot of student essays over the years, and automatically notice patterns that tell more than intended about sources.
Instead of wasting time on gushing “reviews,” a visit to her website offers specific information about her approach to downsizing. A prospective student can make up their own mind if they think the e-course will be “literally life-changing!!!!!” or a waste of money.
Out of respect for Alex and his resolve for order :-), this schoolmarm will refrain from further debate.
Hey Alex did you see this one about Hawaii using buses for the homeless?
Buses make good tiny homes.
Cool! I’ll check it out. Thanks 🙂
I would love to have this course why does it cost so much. I am a nanny and don’t make alot of money that is days worth of work for me working 10 hour day.
Hi Roben! I understand how scary it can be to invest a day’s worth of labor for an e-course. But since it sounds like you’d love to go through it, maybe you can re-consider it as an investment in yourself. One day’s worth of work for something that can benefit you for life if you use it. There’s a lot of value and a lot of thought put behind the course. The order in which you get the information, action steps, etc. Thanks!
Hey Alex….the nanny wrote DAYS not day. Many of us do not have DAYS worth of money hanging around. So nanny, get a BIG piggy bank. I’m sure the course will be offered again and again.
Thanks Zoey! For some less organized/structured but FREE help on downsizing, check out the links on this page:
Our nanny can also find plenty of reasonable books on Amazon and elsewhere on downsizing. The book reviews offer good opinions about the slant or overall usefulness of each book. She can pick one that appeals to her without risking her rent money on an expensive unknown, and decide for herself if it is something she’d like to attempt or proceed with. There are also a ton of free videos on YouTube to get started with before making an investment on a pricy e-course. I wish her well.
I’ll work on this, Jan, thanks a lot for the feedback. Admittedly, I was distracted earlier this month with another project, which I put an end to for now, to refocus on bringing the best possible content here (more tiny house and small house tours) so please know that I’m on it! Thanks!
Jan, please check out the menu above for Alex’s newsletter. You’ll see he offers a big variety of creative living spaces.
I sincerely hope there is no such thing as “an average viewer.” Our cross-section of readers makes for livelier debate, and we can learn from each other. As individuals of every age and background, we all have many different interests, not just the “Tiny homes period” that you prefer.
By showing tiny structures for sale, Alex gives all of us an idea of the market value for different locales. That’s imperative for those who are serious about the TH movement. I think Alex does a wonderful job entertaining all of us, with a good balance of inspiring photos to counter the often-depressing stories of permit headaches and building department blues.
Sally, I was writing to Alex, he explained it well,,and I thank him.
Are you his mother? I don’t recall asking you?
Please refrain from answering questions to Alex, he did fine and I am not changing my outlook for you. I have just so much free time and want to get Tiny home views , not who’s bus is for sale, or what toilet company to go to,,,, etc.
Alex makes this a good site and I thank him for his answer.
Thanks, Jan
“I have just so much free time and WANT to get Tiny home views , not who’s bus is for sale, or what toilet company to go to’… etc.”
“I really don’t WANT to keep opening things of no interest to me…”
Poor princess, the rest of us are causing you great inconvenience with our varied interests? Why am I getting a mental image of a little girl stamping her feet in a tantrum shrieking “I want I want I want!” So, per your last hyper-sensitive shrewish response aimed at good old Sal– the teacher who never stops trying to educate people who prefer to remain stupid– you want to limit the newsletter topics to accommodate your lack of “free time???” Is that right?
Well, I have great news for you. There’s a very simple solution for your time management crises: Read the email subject header BEFORE opening it. If you don’t like the topic, delete it.
Wow, wasn’t that simple? Your time isn’t wasted, and the rest of us can still read what we WANT, and comment freely without your censorship. Amazing. Share the planet and all that, right, Mariah?
And if you don’t WANT people replying to your comments, don’t post publicly. Contact Alex through email. The button that says “Reply” is for everyone on here, not Secret Squirrel.
I didn’t see where Sally tried to change your “outlook.” She appeared to be explaining consideration for others, something you aren’t going to grasp anyway. I imagine her coven meeting ran late last night or she’d have shown up on here by now to correct your grammar.
(And yes, we’d all adopt Alex in a heartbeat.)
Pardon me, Mariah, for hogging up your post with lessons on sharing the planet and Email Basics 101. I just broke my new rule about brevity, but detest censorship. Since her post was launched here, I guess your classes were included with the buses for sale and other” irritants” that should be removed. A shame. Best of luck to you today.