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Handmade Dog Crate Tables for Tiny Homes (And Other Homes Too)!

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These are handmade dog crate tables by Backcountry Tiny Homes!

They sure beat the metal ones we’re used to seeing, don’t they?

Please enjoy, learn more, and re-share below. Thanks!

Custom Handmade Dog Crate Tables by Backcountry Tiny Homes

Learn more using the links below. Backcountry Tiny Homes offers a solo dog crate table and a dual dog crate table. More info and pricing in the links below!


  1. https://www.backcountrytinyhomes.com/solodogcratetable.html
  2. https://www.backcountrytinyhomes.com/dualdogcratetable.html
  3. https://www.backcountrytinyhomes.com/pricingdualdogcratetable.html
  4. https://www.backcountrytinyhomes.com/pricingsolodogcratetable.html

Our big thanks to Tina Orlando for sharing!

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Alex is a contributor and editor for TinyHouseTalk.com and the always free Tiny House Newsletter. He has a passion for exploring and sharing tiny homes (from yurts and RVs to tiny cabins and cottages) and inspiring simple living stories. We invite you to send in your story and tiny home photos too so we can re-share and inspire others towards a simple life too. Thank you!
{ 10 comments… add one }
  • Michael
    January 6, 2018, 8:10 pm

    Great business idea and prices seems to be right, too. However, I don’t see a need for a crate in a tiny house with already limited space and beside that I am not into caging dogs. For me its better to educate them not to destroy things especially when left alone. A dog is in general the best friend of us human beings and should be a member of the ones living there. Who is putting kids into a crate?

    • January 7, 2018, 12:29 pm

      Hi Michael! I can completely understand your sentiment. These are my crates, my dogs, my home, and my business being featured. If anyone is telling you to leave a dog in a crate without any training simply to avoid “not destroying” anything… run! We use these crates for a myriad of training purposes and destruction of property has never been a main reason. We have a husky (the fluffy white one!) that has severe resource guarding due to some rather terrible abuse she suffered as a pup before we adopted her. Imagine being a dog and being tossed into a room of other dogs and the only way you got food was through fighting the other dogs every time scraps were thrown on the floor. Yikes! So, we work on something called counter conditioning and desensitization with her daily to help her feel confident eating around other dogs without feeling like she needs to protect her food. What does the crate do? It gives her a space to feel safe in when she eats as it prevents any and all dogs from interfering with her space. It helps set her up as well as our other dogs for success during meal time! At the time, we also had a wheelchair bound Akita in this home. She was unable to make it up to the loft and the couch we bought for her she was starting to not be able to make it up onto it for comfort during sleep times. We already had her crate so we outfitted it with a very comfy bed, allowing her a ground-floor bed to rest and retire to. We don’t actually keep our doors on in the home (other than our husky for eating times) so these dens serve as a great safe space for our dogs to retreat to (that they personally choose to retreat to) when they’re tired, nervous, or something else. We’ve positively trained them (with something called free shaping and positive reinforcement) to really love their spaces. We also need to ensure that they feel safe being in those crates so that they are ready for when we travel or if they have to find themselves in one at a vet or groomers. How horrible would it be if the FIRST time that they were ever in a crate was during a stressful visit to the vet or groomer? We made these crates as we needed table space and our dogs really did want another space to call their own (aside from our bed and couch, haha). So, it was a win win!

    • Fede
      January 11, 2018, 11:47 am

      Sometimes it’s about protecting the dog. Kids are not equal to animals. It’s not necessarily called a “crate”, but there are swings, walkers, playpens that keep children corralled. Same sort of concept. The only thing I see wrong here is a little too small for one of those dogs and I don’t see a water source.

      • Tina Orlando
        January 11, 2018, 1:00 pm

        Hi Fede,

        Just to make it’s clarified (I responded below in another thread) that this is absolutely not the right size crate for these dogs! These are our personal rescue dogs and they are a size small/medium and medium/large respectively. The crates being shown are for small/small only on both sides. We clarify this on our website to ensure proper sizing 🙂 We also have water bowl attachments and an attachment for treat dispensers that go with these crates as no dog should be without water and should an owner be working on positively associating the crate with a safe space, it’s always helpful to have a place for treats to be placed! Thank you for pointing these items out as those items are very important!

  • Dug
    January 6, 2018, 10:13 pm

    It’s NOT about your dog destroying things it’s about giving your pet a “safe” quiet area that it can retreat to when it has too, We have two cavs that since being eight weeks old have made use of their crate, they have one in each car which keeps them safe, secure and contained in the car which is also no bad thing, which if they didn’t use one in the house it’s very hard to get them to use one in the car where they really need too! They retreat when they are tired to bed by themselves when they want to which makes their lives far happier and stress free they also use it when they are very occasionally left indoors alone so believe me a crate has many many positive uses and this is a superb way of having one without it taking up valuable otherwise not available space in a THOW or TH etc I For one think it’s a superb idea and will be looking into this idea for my own flat as it’s so small it will be a great asset to both my living and the welfare of our beloved pets that are the kids we never had and get the best of everything this I see as a superb positive and am sure many others who know what they are talking about I am sure will see the same as I have – Bravo to the builder is what I say

    • January 7, 2018, 12:39 pm

      Thank you Dug! We utilize these crates in the same way that you’re talking about. We start training that these crates are 100% their safe space from day 1 and we utilize free shaping and positive reinforcement so that they feel comfortable and safe when in them! Two of our dogs are trained therapy dogs so they have to be able to be in a crate without signs of stress for transit as part of their exam to qualify for their certification! There are so many positive reasons to utilize these tools and we enjoy building them 🙂

  • jerry
    January 7, 2018, 8:56 am

    While I see a need for these and can be good for a dog that would otherwise have to be let go, these are too small.
    The full cage is only big enough for the small dog and would need to be deeper for the larger dog.
    Remember this isn’t just for transport but they might be spending a lot of time in it, say while owners at work, so should be big enough to turn around easily at least.
    But one should make a room set up for them instead that they can’t hurt anything.
    And get a training book.

    • January 7, 2018, 12:35 pm

      Hi Jerry! I completely agree with you! We took the standard size of crate and expanded it by 8″ in all directions for each size! The dogs being pictures are my own rescues and they are not necessarily the correct size of dogs per crate being shown 🙂 When someone does purchase from us we ensure to provide them the appropriate size so that they can stretch out, turn around, and lounge about. The last thing we want is for a dog to feel cramped or be uncomfortable so we even make custom sizes for the extra tall or extra long dogs out there! We also provide a positive reinforcement guide with each purchase. It talks about using treats, praise, high rewards, and other forms of positive reinforcement to have your dog actually enjoy being in their crate space. We provide recommendations of time limits of how long dogs should ever be inside to set them up for success. We no longer have doors on our own crates (other than for our husky – see my response above) but we constantly find our dogs sleeping in their crates when we come home anyways (even though they have full access to a fully fenced in acre!). Please let me know if you have any questions!

  • Joyce Rader
    January 10, 2018, 9:43 pm

    Recently I saw a crate someone modified into by using older TV consoles. It just dawned on me the same consoles could also be used with free standing fireplace units.

  • VIX
    February 7, 2020, 7:37 am


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