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Cabana Veronica

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This is the Cabaña Verónica.

It’s a tiny mountain refuge in Spain.

The micro shelter was built using materials from an old USS warship!

Please enjoy, learn more, and re-share below. Thank you!

Cabaña Verónica

Cabaña Verónica 001

Cabaña Verónica 002 Cabaña Verónica 003 Cabaña Verónica 004

Video: Cabaña Verónica


Our big thanks to Jose Alonso for sharing!

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Alex is a contributor and editor for TinyHouseTalk.com and the always free Tiny House Newsletter. He has a passion for exploring and sharing tiny homes (from yurts and RVs to tiny cabins and cottages) and inspiring simple living stories. We invite you to send in your story and tiny home photos too so we can re-share and inspire others towards a simple life too. Thank you!
{ 8 comments… add one }
    July 25, 2016, 7:45 pm

    Impressive! A very brave man to have built this on top of a mountain. How did he manage to haul all that metal up there?

    • Jose Alonso
      July 26, 2016, 4:19 am

      Well Rosee the turret was cut into pieces and carried up there using horses, it took them 7 days to built, here are too videos that describe the building of the shelter , where you can see the first collapsible bunkbeds (at the end of the part 2) , the videos have a very bad quality but couldnt find better ones…

      Part 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yfJDB0qRGWI

      Part 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dF7V0YxVZYE

      • Alex
        July 26, 2016, 11:24 am

        Thanks Jose!

    July 25, 2016, 10:14 pm

    Steel igloo…!

  • Anthony T. Simone
    July 26, 2016, 10:11 am

    it’s not a good idea.

  • Large Marge
    July 28, 2016, 6:20 am

    I think battleship, I think sea-level, as in ‘ocean’, as in ‘way down there’. Then, move chunks of it to a barren tree-less mountain top. Huh?

    Pink foundation. Huh?

    Yeah, I get the PV panels. This looks above the clouds, plenty of sun. Fewer pesky neighbors to generate shadows, so there’s that.

    Living in a big baked potato! Why not!

    • Jose Alonso
      July 28, 2016, 7:58 am

      I have been told that even in winter, they have to sleep a lot of times with the door open beacause of the heat and condensation, that make drips fall from the top O.o And that its very rare that a lightning strikes it because its surrounded by a lot of higher peaks that attract them.

  • Lantz
    August 4, 2016, 3:30 am

    If I were going to go to that kind of trouble it wouldn’t be built on the moon. I’d want a better view then that.

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