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35 Inspiring Tiny Houses And The People Living In Them

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Here are 35 inspiring tiny houses along with the people who are living in them!

People go tiny for a variety of reasons. Some want to save money, travel more, spend less time cleaning and working, etc.

All in all, tiny homes are really just a tool to help us get more of what we want out of life by helping us avoid the housing trap! So here are 35 people who are doing just that!

Credit: https://mightygoods.com/tiny-houses/


  1. mightygoods.com/tiny-houses
  2. tiny-project.com
  3. tinyhouseexpedition.com
  4. tinyhousebuild.com
  5. facebook.com/My-Tiny-Adventure-1728613600693043
  6. facebook.com/tinyhousewoman
  7. fynyth.blogspot.com
  8. tinyhouseamerica.com
  9. purslanegardens.com
  10. catstinyhome.wordpress.com
  11. ourtinycabinproject.com
  12. chrisandmalissa.com
  13. instagram.com/bestlittlehouseintexas
  14. megbuilds.com
  15. tinydreamer.weebly.com
  16. littleyellowdoor.wordpress.com
  17. simplycycling.org
  18. tinyhousegiantjourney.com
  19. simplyenough.weebly.com
  20. livetinyandsimple.com
  21. tinyhouseinthebigyard.weebly.com
  22. minimotives.com
  23. marjoleininhetklein.com
  24. tinyhouseholland.com
  25. weemakechange.co.nz
  26. lovelylittledream.wordpress.com
  27. tinyhouseontheroad.com
  28. greenmoxie.com
  29. gypsy-mermaid.com
  30. shedsistence.com
  31. blessthistinyhouse.com
  32. silverbullettinyhouse.com
  33. solhausdesign.com
  34. tinyhousebigfarm.com

Our big thanks to Mads Phikamphon for sharing!

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Alex is a contributor and editor for TinyHouseTalk.com and the always free Tiny House Newsletter. He has a passion for exploring and sharing tiny homes (from yurts and RVs to tiny cabins and cottages) and inspiring simple living stories. We invite you to send in your story and tiny home photos too so we can re-share and inspire others towards a simple life too. Thank you!
{ 2 comments… add one }
  • Scott
    December 17, 2017, 3:37 am

    Nice mini collection of tiny homes….credit to those who stay in their homes several years.

  • December 19, 2017, 1:15 pm

    People want tiny houses for all sort of reason but the cleverness in making a small house with all the necessary and making it functional is remarkable. Kudos to these people for making a home suitable to their needs. You got to love their ingenuity. What do you think is the most basic feature that you need in having a tiny house for a family of 3?

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