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Tiny Home on Wheels with Retractable Porch

So here’s a tiny house you might have a dream about tonight. It’s from a builder called Molecule Tiny Homes. The most notable feature is the porch which flips up and down.

I like this feature because wherever you might land, you can easily extend your outdoor space without having to actually build a deck or anything. In addition, you get to maximize the interior space as much as possible since the porch flips out. This is something I’ve always wanted to see incorporated into a little house on wheels, so I was thrilled to see it.

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Molecule Tiny House on Wheels with Removable Porch

Tiny Home on Wheels with Retractable Porch

Photo Courtesy of Molecule Tiny Homes

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In case you’ve been wondering why there hasn’t been any new posts lately (sorry!), it’s because I’ve been spending most of my time on getting and setting up a new server for tinyhousetalk.wpengine.com.

We’ve been getting enough traffic (especially on newsletter days) that it was causing our server to crash and sometimes just perform slower than I was comfortable with. Our Tiny House Newsletter is now reaching more than 12,000 subscribers, that’s so exciting!

Thank you so much for your continued support. I’m actually very glad that we outgrew our old server because tinyhousetalk.wpengine.com is now ready for even more growth because I’m even more excited to show as many people as humanly possible how a smaller home can help give them more freedom and happiness. And I hope you’ll continue to join me on this inspiring mission that is changing lives for the better, increasing overall consciousness, and making our environment better.

Tiny houses aren’t for everyone and I believe that large homes will always have their place. My goal is to simply get as many people as possible to reconsider by asking themselves, “How much house do I really need to be happy and enjoy the most amount of freedom?”

Right now I’m working on a little bug from the transfer so you might run into some blog posts where the pictures aren’t loading up, this is also causing the entire page to load up slow at times but I’m working on it right now and should be all finished and back to normal soon.

Anyway, just wanted to say “Hi,” and let you know what’s going on. Thank you so much, again, for your patience and support.

Alex Pino

Debras Tiny House Video Tour and Buying vs Renting Land

Guest Post by Debra Jordan of How to Live in 320 Square Feet

This is when to buck conventional wisdom.  There are a lot of great books on being mortgage free.  “Buy the best land possible with the least amount of money” is some advice often given.  If you search the phrase “When NOT to buy land” or something similar, your effort would result fruitless.  So I am writing the first article on the web EVER about when NOT to buy land. *disclaimer….I often exaggerate.

When we decided to get our tiny house, the first question asked was “Where ya gonna put it”?”.  Good question.  I thought I wanted land.  My own land.  You are supposed to own land.  So off we went to look.  Here I what I found:

In our area, where I WANT TO LIVE, land is going for $15,000 to $30,000 an acre!  Thank you, Wal-Mart.  20 years ago my parents bought land for $500 an acre, 10 acres total.  That land just sold for $15,000 an acre.

Our county requires a minimum of three acres per house if you want to build in the country.

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Debras Tiny House Video Tour and Buying vs Renting Land

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Andrew Odom's trailer from old RV for his tiny house on wheels

I had some questions related to tiny houses and trailers for Andrew Odom over at Tiny r(E)volution and he was kind enough to share his advice with us.

If you’re considering building a tiny house on wheels this post will give you perspective as to what it’s like to prepare a used trailer for your future tiny house.

Alex: Before you got your trailer, what options were Crystal and considering?

Andrew: Our path to getting to where we are now started back in mid-2010. As a couple Crystal and I were bouncing back from our lives as single folk which included living all over the map, investing in only the day’s expenses, and trying to merge two very independent lives. We knew we wanted to find a place of our own to live but we weren’t sure we wanted to take on a mortgage….well, we weren’t even sure where we wanted to live. Since we met as missionaries on a cross-country tour it seemed perfectly normal and perfectly logical for us to find a small RV (even to this day we dream of a Mini Winne) and take to the open road until we found we belonged. Alas, I realized I needed to get a job (I had been self-employed) that offered a bit more stability for us. In finding that job we realized that perhaps the RV should give way to a house.

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An Interview on Tiny House Trailers w/ Andrew Odom

Andrew Odom's trailer from old RV for his tiny house on wheels

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Family in Tiny House

A few days ago Anderson Cooper featured a family who is living in a tiny house.

They’re still young with two small children who are getting to share a sleeping loft with each other.

But don’t worry- the plan is to save up for a ‘small’ house in the very near future. They plan on paying for it in cash.

When you take the tour I think some of you will agree with me that the home is tiny yet still luxurious with its tongue and groove pine walls and elegant simplicity.

The family moved into this tiny house from a 1,500 square foot 3 bedroom home. A drastic change, but with pleasing results. Mom is able to save her entire paychecks.

They used Craigslist to find salvaged/reclaimed materials to keep construction costs low and did most of the work themselves.

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Family in Tiny House

Photo Credit YouTube/Anderson Cooper

Their utility bill is just $40 a month. Most of their other costs have been drastically reduced too. This is allowing them to save up incredibly fast.

Video Tour of Family in a Tiny House

Length: 1:57

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Malissa's Tiny House on Apartment Therapy

I don’t think you have actually seen Christopher & Malissa’s tiny house before and we’ve got a couple of great pictures to share with you below.

You can get more details and pics over at Apartment Therapy, too, where you can also vote for their tiny house.

It’s a part of the Small Cool 2012 contest over at Apartment Therapy and it would be awesome if you’d be willing to vote because I think we can help them win.

Malissa lives in her tiny house with her husband and since they custom designed the house for themselves, it suits them just right.

It’s 170 square feet total with an upstairs sleeping loft. There’s also a fully featured kitchen, built-in couch, desk, and bathroom.

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Malissa's Tiny House on Apartment Therapy

Photos Courtesy of Christopher Tack/Apartment Therapy

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Derek DEEK Diedricksen Micro Architecture and Tiny House Mad Scientist

Most of you have heard of TINY: A Story About Living Small.

On this post you’ll get to see a video episode where they interview Derek “DEEK” Diedricksen.

Deek is the author of “Humble Homes, Simple Shacks” and he blogs over at Relaxshacks.com.

‘TINY” is a not only a documentary about one man’s journey building a tiny house on a trailer from scratch, but it’s also about other families around America who are living in less than 400 square feet.

In this episode, Deek will not only talk to you about micro architecture but he’ll show you around one of his very own micro houses made out of reclaimed materials.

He’ll also talk to you about his early inspirations and show you a few of his other tiny house projects.

Please don’t miss other exciting tiny homesjoin our FREE Tiny House Newsletter!

Derek DEEK Diedricksen Micro Architecture and Tiny House Mad Scientist

Photo Credit YouTube/TINYtheMovie

Watch the video below: [continue reading…]

Tiny House with two Roof Windows using XS Plans

This tiny house is called the Tiny HaHa House

The owner built it for just $3,000 in materials and did nearly all of the work himself.

It’s Jay Shafer‘s XS tiny house design except it has a covered porch modification.

And they added two roof windows which I really like.

I think it has a little bit of a modern look to it too, don’t you think?

The XS is just 65-square-feet without including the upstairs sleeping loft.

The siding and roofing is corrugated aluminum, kinda like the one Jay showcases in his book.


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Tiny House with two Roof Windows using XS Plans

Photo Credits Andrew Cauthen

Carpeting was used on the interior and the interior walls seem like painted plywood panels, but I think it looks good. Modern, even.

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I like small & tiny houses because they offer us the freedom to live life how we want. For me, it’s all about less clutter/stuff, and more freedom/choices. Would you be willing to agree on that?

You can choose to spend more time with your family, do more of the work you love, and have enough money left over to enjoy life with the people you love.

Although more and more people are choosing to live this way, it’s not usually the most popular way to go about life in the everyday world. So here are three tips on how to deal with people who don’t agree with your lifestyle choices.

3 Important Foundational Beliefs When Choosing the Simple, Passionate Life

If you’re going to live life on your terms, you’re going to find these three foundational beliefs to be extremely helpful in your transition to the simple life. Afterwards share what you liked best and found most helpful in the comments.

1. Dealing With Unwarranted Advice

Friends, family members, and co-workers tend to give advice on subjects that they have no qualifications in. And sometimes, for whatever reason, we’re tricked/influenced into listening to this nonsense.

The first step when you find yourself in a situation when someone is giving you advice is to ask yourself, “Do I want any of the results that this person has?”

Belief: I will only listen to the advice of those who I believe are [continue reading…]