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Ultra Low-flow Shower Head for Tiny Houses, RVs, and Boats

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If you’re living in any sort of tiny house (whether that be an RV, boat, or shack) and you are having to refill your water supply an ultra low-flow shower head is a great investment.

Thanks to Evan and Gabby, we get to find out which one is the best.

It’s the one they chose for their tiny house on a trailer since their water heater only holds 7 gallons of water.

So it’s also a smart purchase to save on your water heating bill in addition to simply saving on the amount of water you use while taking a shower.

Are you looking for a low-flow faucet as well? For your kitchen/bath? Check these out.

Bricor B100 - Ultra Low Flow Shower Head for Tiny Houses, RVs, and Boats

If you want to order your own just visit Amazon.com using this link. You’ll also want to be sure to grab some TFE paste to seal right before installing. This will help prevent a pressured spill.

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Alex is a contributor and editor for TinyHouseTalk.com and the always free Tiny House Newsletter. He has a passion for exploring and sharing tiny homes (from yurts and RVs to tiny cabins and cottages) and inspiring simple living stories. We invite you to send in your story and tiny home photos too so we can re-share and inspire others towards a simple life too. Thank you!

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{ 16 comments… add one }
  • Daniel Wasil
    January 31, 2012, 11:46 am


    That’s simply usurious…

    • January 31, 2012, 8:50 pm

      It is super expensive for a simple shower head but I can’t find another one that gets close to .5 gpm. I’m sure that for some it’s worth it.

    • Josh
      November 20, 2012, 10:44 pm

      I bought on of these for my camper. It is expnsive because it is machine fit, weighs nearly a pound of solid brass and appears as if it would last a life time. My experienc with plastic shower heads is that you have to throw them out after about a year or two of use. You get what you pay for.

  • January 31, 2012, 12:13 pm

    Great shower head. We use it with 4 gal. Stiebel-eltron water heater!

  • John Mauldin
    January 31, 2012, 3:21 pm

    I have a six gallon water heater in my RV I live in full time. I get plenty of hot water when I use it and an excess when I take “navy showers” which are OK in the summer but not so much in winter. The problem we all share is the quality of water that flows through the shower over our bodies. Our skin is the largest organ in our body and absorbs a huge amount of impurities from water. Too, most water is chlorinated and until we can get the gov to stop allowing this archaic practice, we need to avoid chlorine as much as possible. Problem is that shower filters, even very good ones, lose their ability to remove chlorine when the water is heated. But fortunately, there is one shower head that uses a patented filter media that removes chlorine from any kind of water. I have been using them for years and they are very reasonable in price. The handheld runs around $60. and the filters last for one year with one person showering daily. Alternatively, I also recommend, regardless of whether you use a shower filter, that you put a filter on the hose or pipe that leads inside your home before it gets to the sink, shower, etc. Good quality filters are not really high by comparison to the value they deliver and I will be glad to provide a list to any reader needing sources of supply. Your body and your health will really improve if you give some attention to the water you use in your life!

    • January 31, 2012, 8:56 pm

      I couldn’t agree with you more. Fluoride, too. I use a Berkey Light gravity filter for my drinking water, but should also install one for my shower. Thanks, John.

    • ethan
      July 1, 2020, 12:29 am

      Just a quick pedantic correction (because I agree with the basic point John makes that it’s generally a bad idea to put water contaminated with small amounts of antibiotic poison in or on our bodies): our skin is not the largest organ in our body. Our gut is, by several orders of magnitude (30-40m). Skin is a distant second (1.5-2m). But given that we are essentially convoluted doughnut-shaped organisms, you can think of the gut as the “inside skin” or the skin as the “external gut.” Both are semi-permeable membranes that are in near-constant contact with the outside world, to varying degrees and intentionalities.

  • January 31, 2012, 7:18 pm

    I live in an RV with a 4 gallon hot water heater. Water pressure is supplied by a 12v pump and I fetch my water from a creek by hand. I can assure you that under these conditions, this shower head a) uses too much water b) is unsuitable for my conditions – probably would not operate under low water pressure such as generated from a 12v RV pump and c) impossible to install because the fittings are assumed to be for household hookup

    Not to mention that a way better design for small houses and small water tanks is a handheld shower and even better if it comes with a valve on the hose.

    Having the water run continuously for a shower is a luxury ill afforded by tiny tankers! With a valve on the hose, once you get the temps right and get rinsed off, you can shut it off, lather up, then turn back on to rinse.

    I think I use < 1 gallon per shower this way.

    Btw, if you want to feel warm while showering, then install in a smaller space – that helps too instead of turning up the heat on your water heater ( mine does not have an adjustable thermostat in any case).

    So, I think this guy needs to get out and live in an RV and then he will realize how little he knows about saving water.

    Btw, I'm certain that my shower head is lower flow than than and I am also certain that it did not cost $75 as it simply a plastic shower head,

    • January 31, 2012, 9:02 pm

      Glad you said it, Steve. That’s such a great solution for a lot less $$. I was able to find one on Amazon with some positive feedback and its less than $16.


      Thanks for sharing from your experience, needed it!

      • January 31, 2012, 9:38 pm

        That’s exactly what I had in mind, Alex. Cheaper and will save even more in water, in my opinion, because you control the water on/off.

  • February 15, 2012, 9:17 am

    This might be a bit too extreme, but I thought it’s still worth sharing. I am currently experimenting with a very low-tech solution that allows me too use less than 0,4 gallon (1,5 litres) of water.

    It’s basically a 1,5 l water bottle (plastic). I used a thin needle to puncture the bottle’s bottom (appr. 25 tiny holes). These holes are tiny enough to keep the water inside the bottle, when the cap is screwed back on. Gently pressing the bottle releases a soft stream of water (like a sommer’s gentle rain).

    You could also hang the bottle and simple unscrew the cap to cause a continous water flow.

    I am currently thinking about painting the bottle black to get the water warm by keeping it in a sunny spot on a windowsill during the day. Probably need a black box though, similar to a solar oven.

    This costs nothing, uses only 0,4 gallon of water (you could also go with a slightly bigger bottle (2 litres /0,53 gallons)) and requires absolutely no plumbing, since this little amount of water could be collected in a bowl that could be emptied into the sink or something similar..

    As I said, sounds extreme but works perfectly.

    • February 15, 2012, 9:19 am

      Just a side note:
      I have short hair though and would definitely need more water if I had longer hair.

      • February 15, 2012, 10:14 am

        That’s a cool idea, glad you shared. I like the idea of painting it black, too, and putting it in the sun. I bet that would work pretty good. Great idea for places like Costa Rica where there are cold showers in lots of parts.

  • February 20, 2012, 4:06 am

    very interesting article, i’ve always wanted to write my own blog but i don’t have much time,
    regards from st

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