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This is a guest post by Trevor Gay @heartofitallhouseshare your tiny house!

Much like everyone else who’s built their own home or Tiny House, it’s a bittersweet feeling to see the project come to completion. So many long nights and weekends of pouring your family, your friends, and your own blood, sweat, and tears into a project– that it finally comes to life.

After nearly 5 years of contemplation between layouts, designs, and even if the lifestyle was right…. We finally found hOMe. I had stumbled across the Morrison’s house and without a doubt, knew immediately that their house was the closest thing to what I had been searching for.

We literally counted down the seconds for the plans to be released on the TinyHouseBuild.com website. My girlfriend at the time (now fiancé) Mary and I sat a table in our local EarthFare to buy the plans. We bought our trailer from the kind family at Tennessee Tiny Homes in October, and started the build 1 week before Christmas 2014.

Heart of It All House: 224 Sq. Ft. Tiny hOMe

Heart it of All House Built Using Tiny hOMe Plans

Images © HeartofitAllHouse

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