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When Danny and Katherine first learned about cob building, they were hooked! But they couldn’t jump right in due to a number of circumstances. Eventually, they were able to build a “trial” cob tiny home on her parents’ property, where they lived for a few years while saving and planning for their forever home on their own property which they own outright!

They’ve been in this 700-800 square foot cob dwelling now for a couple of years, and the lack of debt allows Katherine to stay home with her daughter. The house is absolutely stunning inside, with all kinds of details they spent a decade planning out “just right.” They even used all recycled windows to keep costs down and to be more sustainable.

Jenna at Tiny House Giant Journey did a great video tour with the couple which you can watch below, where you’ll even learn a bit about cob building. And if you really want to delve in, Danny and Katherine teach cob-building classes!

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Their 700 Square Foot Cob Home Built For Family Life

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Meet Earthship Ironbank: The first building-code-approved Earthship in Australia!

Martin & Zoe, along with a team of 60 volunteers, constructed this eco-friendly home inspired by the work of Mark Reynolds, who started the “Earthship” movement (lLearn more about Earthship architecture here). Martin went through the trouble of getting it “council-approved” by the building authorities in Australia, to show that it could be done. This is a 750 square-foot structure built primarily from recycled tires filled with earth, and coated in cement. You’ll notice stunning recycled bottle walls all over the home. You can book a tour of the Earthship, or better yet, you can vacation there via Airbnb!

Don’t miss other small homes like this – join our FREE Small House Newsletter for more! 

Stay in a Small Australian Earthship!

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This is an earthship home built by Jordan.

Jordan from Earthship PEI (Prince Edward Island, Canada) shares great tips and advice on how to build a stunning earthship-style home using recycled tires and earthen plaster made from clay, sand, and straw. He built this beautiful green building with a ton of help from his girlfriend and friends.

Related: Taylor & Steph’s $10k Earthship Home

Jordan’s Little Earthship Home in Canada

PEI Earthship - Exploring Alternatives 1

Image © Exploring Alternatives

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