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Marsha’s Truck Camper Remodel (2021)

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This is Marsha’s truck camper which she still owns here in 2021 and has actually completely remodeled it.

In this post, she shows you the remodel and describes what she did to make improvements to her little truck camper. Check it out and let us know your thoughts in the comments! Thanks! 🙂

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Her 2021 Truck Camper Improvements 🙂


© Marsha Cowan

I gutted it, including the white tarps, painted the sides white, then put back into it only very basic trappings.


© Marsha Cowan

The memory foam mattress lays on top of storage drawers that open towards the front and are not very deep. That way, I can sit up in bed and read.


© Marsha Cowan

The crates hold shoes, a backpack, and larger items on the bottom, an electric water heater for coffee, instant coffee, sugar for coffee, and a coffee cup. That just about covers the most crucial element of happy camping for me. . .a good morning cup of coffee.


© Marsha Cowan

Other Highlights From Marsha 🙂

  • The little blue DC frig was given to me by a friend and in it, I keep cream for coffee, of course, and a couple of Cokes. I enjoy eating out when I camp or eating at the local campground restaurant or snack bar. That’s where you meet folks and have fun.


© Marsha Cowan

  • My little pink box fan is laying on its face right now for traveling, but when I get where I am going, it provides a lot of air. Still have Christmas lights on the wall. On the end of the camper, hanging next to the door, (out of view) is a small clothes hamper, and also in that corner goes my Haddock potty from the house for nighttime use.


© Marsha Cowan

  • I decided to leave the sunblock silver lining exposed as it does best that way. This camper sits in the sun all day, but the inside is always super cool because of that sunblock. I highly recommend it.


© Marsha Cowan

Well, Alex, that is about all I’ve done since I retired and moved back to NC, except for two books I am writing and having lots of fun with the family.


© Marsha Cowan

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Our big thanks to Marsha Cowan for sharing!🙏

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Alex is a contributor and editor for TinyHouseTalk.com and the always free Tiny House Newsletter. He has a passion for exploring and sharing tiny homes (from yurts and RVs to tiny cabins and cottages) and inspiring simple living stories. We invite you to send in your story and tiny home photos too so we can re-share and inspire others towards a simple life too. Thank you!
{ 4 comments… add one }
  • vee
    May 24, 2021, 6:38 pm

    Love her attitude! She is such a happy person and one can tell she is just loving her creative life!!

    • Natalie C. McKee
      May 25, 2021, 1:49 pm

      Totally agree with you there!

  • Joseph
    May 25, 2021, 3:20 am

    . . . at first take I-was not impressed by this woman’s camper, . . . then wisdom kicked in and took a second look at this home-made space, I then realized she is happier than most by simply wanting less !
    This structure provides her with security, it protects her from the elements, she has transportation and a place where she can sleep soundly, plus her few necessities are there as well. Best of all, she is not homeless and her heart has joy !!!
    . . . . .so many on wall st. live in luxury they do not fully enjoy, with all the cars, toys, and money, they have no peace, . . . . . .the stress is killing them. Martha is at peace writing books for others to read and learn, and she is traveling. GOD bless you Martha !!

  • Jade W
    May 25, 2021, 7:53 am

    Marsha, you are a very creative person and you seem like a very nice person as well! I like seeing all of your projects.

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