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Annina and Pascal wanted to live off-the-grid and found this amazing 10-acre piece of property in New Zealand which they’ve been transforming into a fully self-reliant homestead.

They live in the 40 ft. shipping container home, use the second shipping container for a garage and built a geo-dome greenhouse for starting some of the many plants they’re cultivating outside.

The couple installed an incredible solar array, but discovered they were gathering more sun energy than they needed! So instead of paying for gasoline for a car, they got an electric vehicle they can charge for free. Living Big in a Tiny House did an awesome video interview with the couple, so be sure to watch it to learn more about their off-grid container home!

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Their Solar Shipping Container Home in New Zealand Charges Their EV for Free!

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This is a beautiful converted shipping container house on wheels! And it’s for sale in Portland, Oregon.

It’s been used as guest accommodation for nearly two years, and includes a downstairs bedroom, a luxurious-looking bathroom and kitchen area. Get more details and contact information below!

Related: Intellectual Shipping Container Home by Roostspace

Converted Shipping Container on Wheels For Sale, OR

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