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This Tiny House Tour in France is a guest post by Chris Wenban of Tiny Footprint

While spending time with family in Europe I was fortunate to find myself with a week to spare. I have a good friend in Paris and decided to be multi-functional (as all good tiny obsessives are) and arrange a tiny house tour in France, culminating in a tiny themed weekend in Paris.

Via the wonders of google I managed to find 2 tiny houses to stay in relatively close to each other to the west of Paris near Nantes, this also happens to be the home region of Baluchon who have been one of the key ground-breakers and tiny house builders in the movement in France. With a tiny hire car, a Renault Twizy, I left Paris Charles de Gaulle airport and headed west toward Bretagne (Brittany) and the Loire Valley, not to find castles, but to find tiny houses.

Chris Wenban of Tiny Footprint Takes Us on a Tiny House Tour of France!

Tiny House Ossatur 001

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