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Some of you remember the Tall Man Tiny House from a while back.

It’s a tiny home designed by two tall men.

You can get a full tour of the house in this post so you can see what I mean.

Anyway I just wanted to let you know that it seems like their site is coming back up!

So hopefully we’ll be able to buy the Tall Man Tiny House Plans soon if they offer them?

Tiny Houses for Tall People: Coming Soon

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I have been part of the tiny house community since I first saw Jay Shafer on Oprah back in 2008.

We used that inspiration to begin building our tiny house in 2009. As you might imagine, since that time I have seen a lot of other tiny house blogs and become part of the small but growing community of tiny house builders.

There are so many great designs and ideas out there now and many tiny house builders are creating some amazing homes that are smaller than most traditional bedrooms. I thought I might share my favorite tiny houses – in no particular order.

1. Macy Miller’s Tiny House on a Gooseneck Trailer

Photo courtesy of MiniMotives.com

Photo courtesy of MiniMotives.com

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