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Building a Mortgage-free Tiny House by the Seat of My Pants – Part 2 – by Shirley Loomis

Arriving at my tiny house daily was so much more pleasant once the outside was complete. It looked like I was working on something real, no longer just a picture in my mind’s eye. An added benefit of having the exterior complete was that I could work inside with an added degree of warmth and protection from the elements.

Prior to tackling the inside I looked at a lot of layouts I had seen published in books and online, examined my own existing furniture, considering how I might be able to repurpose it for use inside my tiny house. Being a book hound my bookcases were definitely something that would be put to use. As you look at your space, always keep in mind how you live, the kinds of things you like to do, how you make your living, and what you readily have on hand that you can tailor to meet your needs.

Related: Woman in her 50s Builds Tiny Home (original)

And: Building a Mortgage-free Tiny House By the Seat of My Pants (part 1)


All Images © Shirley Loomis

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