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A few days ago I received Derek Diedricksen’s latest edition of Humble Homes, Simple Shacks in the mail so I was pretty excited to be able to review it so you can see what it’s all about before you order it.

In this video I’ll give you a sneak peak of the book that way you can figure out whether it’s something you’d find useful or not.

It’s a really fun book with tons of ideas. Some very practical and others are straight up funky. Either way the book will certainly get you thinking.

Well, enough yapping on here. Click the “play” button below to watch the complete review.

If you decide you want to order your own copy, you can do so over at Amazon.com.

Humble Homes Simple Shacks by Derek DEEK Diedricksen

Click here to order your copy of Humble Homes, Simple Shacks through Amazon.com.

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