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This is an announcement for the PodRide: a car-like e-bike.

From the outside, it looks like a miniature, lightweight car.

Inside, you’ll find a recumbent bicycle frame with electric power assistance! But would you ride around in something like this yourself?

Introducing the PodRide: A Car-like E-Bike

PodRide Everyday Bicycle-Car 001

Images © PodRide

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My friend Lina from This Is the Little Life just sent me an email about the tiny house tour they just had in Portland, OR.

It attracted more than 100 people! It was in conjunction with the Pedalpalooza which is becoming quite a big deal in Portland.

For weeks there are different themes to celebrate the culture of bicycles in Portland.

You can see the many bicycles and a little house on wheels in the background in the photo below.


Photo Credit Billy Ulmer via This is the Tiny Life

I don’t know about you, but that looks like a great time! Scroll or click below to get the rest:

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Have you ever thought of having a sidecar for your bicycle the way some motorcycles sport them?

I never had until I ran into this on Twitter (follow me!).

Pretty interesting, huh? I think it would work well for fun, kids, and/or storage/utility.

If you really like the idea, good news because the creator (Steve) shows you how he built it over at his website. See the links at the bottom of this article.

The best part is Steve will show you how he built it over at his website, check it out! Part 1 (Design) Part 2

He Built His Own DIY Bicycle Sidecar

Photo credit: steves-workshop.co.uk

How To Build One

Related: 203 Sq. Ft. Tiny House on Wheels with Built-in Bicycle Garage!

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