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Family of 5 Living Tiny in a 1 Bedroom Apartment

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This is a family of 5 living tiny in a 1 bedroom apartment.

They moved out of their two-bedroom condo in the suburbs into this 600 square foot, 1 bedroom apartment because it’s closer to work and closer to their son’s autism treatments.

Now, dad can bike to and from work and mom can take her son to his treatments without the added stress of long commutes.

When you go inside their apartment, you’ll find a kitchen, bathroom, a studio-style living area for mom and dad, and a bedroom with bunk beds for the kids.

Please enjoy, learn more, and re-share below. Thank you!

Family of 5 Living Tiny in a 1 Bedroom Apartment


Images © Exploring Alternatives via YouTube

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Images © Exploring Alternatives via YouTube

Video: Minimalist Family of 5 living in a 1 Bedroom Apartment

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Natalie C. McKee

Natalie C. McKee is a contributor for Tiny House Talk and the Tiny House Newsletter. She's a wife, and mama of three little kids. She and her family are homesteaders with sheep, goats, chickens, ducks and quail on their happy little acre.

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{ 7 comments… add one }
  • Gabrielle Charest
    March 9, 2016, 6:40 pm

    Roll back time to the late 1800s when the great waves of immigrants populated large cities and realize that a family of 5 in a 1 br apartment is nothing new. The difference is that in former times families were usually larger, hot water was generally unavailable and toilet facilities were probably outside.

    I commend this family of 5 for deciding to live in a way that best suits their needs.

  • jake
    March 9, 2016, 7:13 pm

    I don’t know their motives or intent, but I commend their patience, humility, respect, ingenuity and economic integrity. Many families live this way of necessity. My brother and I lived in a shed big enough for a bunk bed, small dresser, washer and dryer; while my parents, sister and two other brothers lived in a 10×40 house trailer with one bathroom. We did this of necessity, and joy. Kudos to those who do it deliberately. More so to those who share their unburdened resources. Also for those who do the difficult work of designing simple, inspiring and accessible homes.

  • Janp
    March 9, 2016, 9:43 pm

    Reading their story,I commend themm. Today’s living certainly is made up of making choice so that many needs and choices are met. Great plan

  • Susan
    March 10, 2016, 7:50 am

    Not to be a naysayer here, but in a lot of areas this would be against the law (maximum number of occupants per bedroom). In addition to that, this appears to be a high rise apartment, so there is no way that these children can go out to play without supervision, and the noise 3 kids can make is unbelievable at times. I speak from personal experience, living over a family of six in a small 2 bedroom apartment. Living with this number of people in a tiny house (and the ability to utilize the outdoors for living space) is one thing; doing this in a high rise building can be construed as selfish and socially inconsiderate. And please don’t cite historical precedent as justification; in that time period those children would likely to be working and stand a good chance of death from tuberculosis, and other communicable diseases.

  • Penny
    March 10, 2016, 1:12 pm

    Susan, You make a valid point regarding the potential for noise in a rental property. That said, this young couple have chosen their family’s emotional needs as their priority. They are together, loved and safe. Sacrificial love is not dictated by size or social expectations, and it is definitely not selfish or inconsiderate.

  • Rosie
    March 11, 2016, 8:25 pm

    Wow, suburbanites are really out of touch. Many working class people living in urban areas grow up like this. Modern high rises have good sound proofing and they’re probably not the only family in the building with kids. Other advantages include kids developing close friendships cause you’re always in and out of each others apartments and neighborly help and support is just a door knock away. Also urbanites are more physically active cause you walk everywhere (grocery, parks, entertainment) instead of driving.

  • mumof4
    April 17, 2016, 9:08 pm

    My husband and I live in a 675 sq ft apartment with our 4 children. It’s certainly doable and serious credit goes to the family for knowing their priorities. As to the comments about noise and being indoors…as an urbanite I believe we use the outdoors more than most people with a huge yard would. In any high rise or shared space there would bethe noise factor but suggesting a family is being selfish to live in an apartment is uncalled for and harsh. In my opinion both parents working and ignoring the children’s needs just to live in a big house is selfish. To each their own but kudos to this family.

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