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Small Apartment

Here is a 500 square foot small apartment that was designed for the owners not only to live in but also work out of and use as an office.

The first thing you’ll notice is how incredibly clean and organized it looks. The designers incorporated seamless design throughout the place making storage look pretty much invisible.

If you like the pine interiors of some of the Tumbleweed tiny houses that you’ve seen on here, then you’ll probably like this studio apartment too. And there are so many cool features…

  • Below the upstairs bedroom loft, you get a walk in closet for storage
  • On the way up to the loft, you can use the stairs as camouflage storage
  • Plants throughout give you that warm “homey” feeling
  • Professional millwork gives you lots of “invisible” storage, which makes the place feel clean and simple yet modern

You can have a look at the photos right here thanks to photographers Frank Ouderman and Sean Karns. And Jordan Pamass Digital Architecture – more on them below.

Upstairs Bedroom Loft in this Small Apartment

Underneath the bedroom lies a walk in closet.

Stairs double as storage

Staircase doubles as storage — no need for a bulky dresser.

[continue reading…]

Simple Living as a Family

For you and me, the reasons to live in a tiny house are obvious by now…

  • The cost savings
  • Re-evaluating our values
  • Downturn in the economy
  • Enjoying a low-maintenance lifestyle

What motivates you might be more specific, like starting your own business or getting your family out of debt.

But what if you’re not living alone? What does a tiny house for a family look like then?

Simple Living as a Family

Simple living as a family

At this point, a tiny house sort of goes out the window. How many of you are in the a situation where you are not living alone?

Do YOU have a


  • significant other, or
  • daughter(s)
  • son(s)
  • family member
  • roommate

…who is living with you?

Then for you, a small house is probably in the range of 400 to 1200 square feet, maybe even bigger if you have a large family.

A great example is a woman I’m interviewing right now who has a husband and two kids. They live simply in a 1200 square foot apartment and are on the verge of having an amazing overseas family adventure for an entire year. All thanks to happily living below their means.

Stay tuned for the interview so you can learn more about how the family is doing it. Meanwhile, will you tell us what you think about simple living as a family in the comments? Do you have your own story to share?